image from the video about canvas

This video goes into a background on canvas for oil painting.

oil painting canvas preparation is not talked about much these days. Oil painting classes rarely talk about it because of the convenience of pre-stretched canvases that are in art stores.

Most of those canvases are, frankly, terrible. They are causing you added frustration because of how they are prepared, but most oil painting students do not even think about the canvas as a “big deal”

This is a huge mistake

Check out this video where I give a quick background lesson about canvas.

Here’s to better oil painting.

Recommended Study

If you’d like to get a full course that will cover not only your canvas and all your materials, but a step by step formula to paint like the old masters, go check out the 7 Part Video series – Oil Painting Formula


Hey There!

I'm Ethan

Teaching oil painting for over 20 years. I love to help others reach their artistic potential. Always keep on learning!

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  • Dear Eathan,
    Thank you for going on to send me all your news and tips.I am very busy learning to be better on the Computer,so that I can understand better,what you are explaining.I am not only stupid with the computer, I also struggle with the english language. But as you see, I am not giving up.
    With thanks and good wishes

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